Our team of leading manual handling experts are there to support you, your family and support network to achieve the maximium level of well being and independence through the provision of a comprehensive bespoke, clear assessment tailored to your individual needs.

Working together

The OT Service works closely with you the client, your care and support network to ensure that you receive a bespoke, personalised and professional service that meets all of your needs and in turn ensures you fulfil your full potential.

Identifying needs

Our occupational therapists are up to date with relevant legislation, regulations and good practice guidance.

They work holistically to integrate moving and handling requirements into your daily living activities and routines.

We will undertake a bespoke assessment of all your moving and handling needs and take into account your future needs.

We will work with you on making sure your carers are up to date and trained in all techniques to make sure you are safe, comfortable and all legislative requirements are met.

Please contact us to discuss your specific business requirements on 0333 444 0062 or email admin@theotservice.co.uk.


We will provide a comprehensive personal manual handling plan and risk assessment.

We will recommend and source the most relevant equipment to meet your needs, reduce risk whilst maximising confidence and independence.

Please contact us to discuss your specific business requirements on 0333 444 0062 or email admin@theotservice.co.uk.


We will provide tailored training in your home to meet you and your care teams requirements.

Our team of experts are experienced in delivering manual handling training to statutory services, companies and care providers

Following successful completion of training we will provide all the necessary documentation to enable you to evidence your statutory and legislative requirements have been met.

Please contact us to discuss your specific business requirements on 0333 444 0062 or email admin@theotservice.co.uk.
